Jonathan M. Adler

How do our personal stories
shape our lives?


Jonathan Adler’s work is united by its focus on the importance of personal stories for well-being.

A Professor of Psychology, Jonathan’s work as a scholar, as an artist, and as a practitioner focuses on the relationship between narrative identity development and psychological well-being.

Research Interests

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The Science of Stories

Jonathan’s research focuses on how we make sense of the challenging experiences in our lives and how that meaning-making impacts our sense of self, our well-being, and our life outcomes. In this work, he uses personal narratives as a vehicle for studying meaning-making and identity development. He has a particular interest in the experience of illness, disability, and healing. He is currently working on several research projects and a book that focus on related issues of identity development and psychological well-being.

Stories in Action


Shaping and Sharing Stories

In addition to his research, Jonathan is deeply engaged in helping others shape and share their stories. He has directed more than a dozen plays at a variety of institutions, has co-written a play that premiered Off-Broadway, collaborates on running multiple annual story slams through The Story Lab, and teaches courses that combine psychological science with theater or storytelling to create fully-staged productions.

He is also the Chief Academic Officer at Health Story Collaborative, where he helps run programs that support medical patients and medical providers in telling their stories of illness and healing.